RecFusion SDK
Mesh Member List

This is the complete list of members for Mesh, including all inherited members.

addTriangle(const Triangle &triangle)Mesh
center() constMesh
clean(double minComponentArea, double maxComponentArea)Mesh
color(int idx) constMesh
create(int vertexCount, const double *vertices, int triangleCount, const int *triangleIndices, const double *colors=0, const double *normals=0, int volRes=512)Meshstatic
crop(const Vec3 &boxCenter, const Vec3 &boxExtent, const bool discardPointsInside=false)Mesh
decimate(int minEdgeLength, int maxEdgeLength, bool preserveColors)Mesh
extent() constMesh
fillHoles(int level=-1)Mesh
isManifold() constMesh
makeHollow(double wall)Mesh
MeshFormat enum nameMesh
normal(int idx) constMesh
OBJ enum valueMesh
PLY enum valueMesh
removeBoundaryFaces(int layers)Mesh
save(const char *filename, MeshFormat format)Mesh
setColor(int idx, const Color &color)Mesh
setNormal(int idx, const Coordinate &normal)Mesh
setVertex(int idx, const Coordinate &vertex)Mesh
smooth(int iterations)Mesh
STL enum valueMesh
transform(const Mat3 &R, const Vec3 &t)Mesh
triangle(int idx) constMesh
triangleCount() constMesh
vertex(int idx) constMesh
vertexCount() constMesh
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